基本の育て方 Basic Care Guideline
基本は日当たり・風通しの良い屋外で育てます。 室内で飾る場合は、春夏秋は続けて2日、冬は5日程度にし、あとはできるだけ屋外で管理してください。室内で長く楽しみたい場合はいくつかの盆栽を中と外でローテーションで飾るのもおすすめです。
夏 ・・・朝夕1日2回
冬 ・・・2日に1回(乾き気味の時にかける)
※盆栽が枯れる原因は水が足りていない場合がほとんどです。 霧吹きでは根まで水が届かず十分ではありません。余分な水は流れますので たっぷりとあげてください。
3月上旬・5月上旬・9月中旬・10月下旬 の年4回、肥料ケースに入れて鉢に差してください。
鉢の大きさや樹種、樹齢などによりますが、基本2〜4年ごと、芽出し前である 3月に行ってください。根が鉢周りに巻いてつまっているようなら植え替え時です。
数日間不在にする際は、まずはたっぷりと水をあげます。その後、鉢を全体的に濡れたタオル等でくるみ、その上からビニール袋でくるみます。葉は外に出して おきますが、根元がタオル/ビニールで覆われていることで乾きが遅くなります。 他には受け皿に薄く水を張り、鉢穴から水を吸わせる方法もあります。いずれも直射日光が当たりにくい日陰に置いてからお出かけ下さい。
KOKONの浮雲や大地は 掌サイズでお手入れがしやすく、初めて挑戦してみる盆栽としてもおすすめです。
Here are a few tips to show you how to take care of a bonsai tree.
The basic rule is to grow them outdoors in a sunny and well-ventilated area. If displaying them indoors, keep them outside for 2 days in spring, summer, and fall, and 5 days in winter. If you want to enjoy them indoors for longer, it's recommended to rotate several bonsai between indoor and outdoor placements.
Water thoroughly until water flows out of the drainage hole at the bottom. Use about 3 times the pot volume, and repeat this process twice. Water evenly around the base using a watering can. Another method is to submerge the entire pot in a bucket of water for about 1 minute until no more air bubbles come up.
Spring/Fall: Water once a day Summer: Water twice a day (morning and evening) Winter: Water every 2 days (when soil feels dry)
*The main cause of bonsai dying is lack of water. Misting alone is not enough to reach the roots. Provide ample water, as the excess will drain out.
Apply fertilizer in the pot 4 times a year: early March, early May, mid-September, and late October.
Use organic solid fertilizers normally. For flowering/fruiting bonsai, apply phosphorus-rich bone meal in spring and fall to encourage blooms and fruit. During summer, you can temporarily use chemical fertilizers to avoid the odor of organic ones.
Depending on the pot size, tree species, and tree age, generally repot every 2-4 years in early March before new growth. Repot when the roots are tightly coiled around the pot.
Care During Absences:
If you're leaving for a few days, first water thoroughly. Then wrap the entire pot in a damp towel and cover with a plastic bag, leaving the leaves exposed. This slows drying. Alternatively, place the pot in a shallow tray of water to allow absorption through the drainage hole. Keep in a shaded area.
So that's the cultivation method of bonsai. KOKON's Ukigumo and Daichi are palm-sized and easy to maintain, so they are also recommended as bonsai for beginners to try for the first time.